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石巻工房ニュース - KOBO NEWS - Vol.37



今回のKOBO NEWSは、石巻工房10周年の記念プロジェクトについてのお知らせです。ぜひご覧ください。

As we enter into July, we are gearing up for the hot summer season in Japan.

In this edition of KOBO NEWS, we will be sharing about projects related to our 10 year anniversary. Please read on!

石巻工房ニュース - KOBO NEWS - Vol.37のコンテンツは以下となります。
The contents of Ishinomaki Laboratory's newsletter - KOBO NEWS - Vol.37 are as follows:



◼︎ 石巻公共工房クラウドファンディングキャンペーンのご紹介

◼︎ 『「十」石巻工房の十年展』at Karimoku Commons Tokyo

◼︎ Video 工房長からのご挨拶


◼︎ Crowdfunding Campaign for a New Workshop Space

◼︎ "10 Years of Ishinomaki Laboratory" Exhibition at Karimoku Commons Tokyo

◼︎ Video: Greetings from Chiba

◼︎ 石巻公共工房クラウドファンディングキャンペーンのご紹介

Crowdfunding Campaign for a New Workshop Space









With the help of many supporters, over the last 10 years, we have grown from our early days as a small public workshop to a furniture brand. While we have continued to host workshops and other events in the community, we recognize that in order to realize our vision of a creative, revitalized region, returning to our roots by establishing a more open workshop space is ideal.


Coincidentally, in recent months, the factory next door to ours was vacated. We decided to rent out that space with the hopes that we could use it as an additional workshop, with the help of crowdfunding campaign supporters. The new workshop space will eventually be able to welcome locals as well as host workshops for those who stay at our new hybrid guesthouse space, Ishinomaki Home Base.


The crowdfunding campaign includes a range of different perks, such as popular products in our lineup, brand new items, and vouchers for guesthouse stays. We eagerly hope that as we mark our 10 year anniversary since our founding, there will be those who will want to join hands with us in this new endeavor!


※Due to operational limitations, this crowdfunding campaign is limited to Japan-based supporters only. We hope to offer options for overseas-based supporters in the future!



(Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose)

◼︎ 『「十」石巻工房の十年展』at Karimoku Commons Tokyo

"10 Years of Ishinomaki Laboratory" Exhibition at Karimoku Commons Tokyo


本展では、石巻工房の10年間の軌跡についての展示と共に、石巻工房の家具でリビングスペースをしつらえ、石巻工房のクリエーションを体感していただけます。是非この機会にKarimoku Commons Tokyo へお越しください。


感染症対策もあり、Karimoku Commons Tokyoは完全予約制にて運用しております。お越しいただける際は是非下記のリンクよりご予約をお願いいたします。


We invite you to visit our exhibition at Karimoku Commons Tokyo highlighting 10 years of Ishinomaki Laboratory’s activities and experience our work for yourself, with the brand’s furniture arranged in a living gallery.


With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, as a precautionary measure visitors are asked to reserve their visit time in advance (link in Japanese below).


開催概要/Exhibition Information


OPEN:12:00-18:00 (Mon-Fri)

会場/Location :Karimoku Commons Tokyo (https://commons.karimoku.com/)



(Top photo by Masaaki Inoue, bottom graphic by Kaishi Tomoya)

◼︎ Video 工房長からのご挨拶

Video: Greetings from Chiba



渡波字栄田164-3, 石巻市, 宮城県 986-2135, Japan

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